Technology is defined as “machinery and equipment developed from the application of scientific knowledge”. When it comes placing dental implants, recent advancements in dental technology have certainly revolutionized the process of replacing missing teeth. Not only do dental implants themselves represent the latest in tooth-replacement technology, but the implant process itself has been drastically improved so that it is much easier on patients.
At New Teeth Chicago Dental Implants, we offer our patients the latest in dental implant placement technology with our Alpha Technology Dental Lab. Our in-office dental lab contains a design station with CAD/CAM capabilities, scanner, milling machine, 3D dental CT scan, and face-hunter for a virtual patient. While this may not sound overly impressive at first, our use of dental technology directly improves your dental implant experience. Here are some of the main ways that dental technology makes the implant process easier:
Better Treatment Outcomes

Having a concrete treatment plan is one of the first steps to successful treatment outcomes and part of developing a treatment plan includes a thorough examination of what needs to be done. In addition to performing a visual examination of your mouth, bite, and gums to plan for dental implant placement, Dr. Atcha will also obtain images with our 3D Dental CT scanner. Images taken with our dental CT scanner are 3D images that show your teeth, soft tissues, nerve pathways, and bone all in detail.
These 3D scans are then imported into our specialized software, which allows your implant dentist to “sample” a variety of implant techniques to determine the best treatment plan. This software also allows your implant dentist to show you a visual representation of what they are planning to do during your implant procedure.
Shorter Treatment & Recovery Times

In addition to improving treatment outcomes, 3D scans and dental implant planning software also reduce treatment and recovery times. By taking 3D scans and importing them into dental planning software, your dentist can more accurately predict how your body will respond to dental implant placement, which means there will be less surprises during the actual procedure. Not only does this make the procedure more predictable and efficient, but it also reduces the trauma on surrounding tissues, which translates into shorter recovery times as well.
Our in-office milling machine also shortens the total length of your treatment. This is because we don’t need to wait on an outside dental laboratory to fabricate your custom restorations. Instead, we are able to fabricate these restorations in our office while you wait using a variety of dental materials such as zirconia, resin, composite, and titanium. Not only does this shorten the total length of your treatment, but it reduces the need for temporary restorations and eliminates delays between appointments.
More Personalized Restorations

Dental technology also allows for the fabrication of personalized restorations. After all, your original smile was unique, so your dental implants should be as well. One way to personalize your tooth replacement is through exporting 3D scans into the planning software. However another way is through the use of Face Hunter, which is a scanner for photo-realistic 3D digitization of your face. Basically, Face Hunter technology quickly scans your face to capture your individual facial features. This image is then digitized so that it can be manipulated using the planning software. This allows you and your implant dentist to see how the placement of dental implants will affect your appearance.
Peace of Mind
Another benefit of having an in-office dental lab is that we can provide you with comprehensive dental implant care all in one location. This also allows for quality control from start to finish. Since we have everything you need to have dental implants placed under one roof, we are able to operate much more efficiently than practices that require multiple visits with different doctors at different locations. Additionally, having everything in one place also allows us to consolidate our fees, which can end up saving you money in the long run.