Recommended Diet

Selection of healthy food for heart, life concept

Most patients are advised to eat a soft food diet for the first week of recovery, gradually working up to chewier and harder foods afterward. Although this may restrict normal dietary habits, there are still numerous foods available for each nutritional need. Consider any of the following options as examples of safe food choices:

  • Grains and starches: most cooked grains are a good way to avoid hard food. For breakfast, try oatmeal and similarly soft cereals. For lunch or dinner, you can include noodles, soft bread, rice, grits or mashed potatoes.
  • Fruits and vegetables: softer fruits such as bananas, peaches, nectarines, melons, and all berries are usually good choices when ripe. If you would normally take a bit out of the fruit remember to cut it into pieces first. Although most raw vegetables are too crunchy for implants, cook or steamed vegetables are good alternatives, including broccoli, carrots, and squash. Sauces and soups are some of the easiest and safest options of all.
  • Protein: red meat and poultry can be tough on implants at first, so they should be consumed sparingly, or carefully. Safer options for protein include eggs, fish and seafood, and beans. Dairy products such as milk, yogurt, and cheese are also good sources of protein. Couscous and quinoa, while being a wheat and grain, also contain a surprising amount of protein.
  • Beverages: water, water, and more water! Staying hydrated is vital to your immune system and overall health, and nothing will keep you hydrated more efficiently than water. Alcohol, on the other hand, should be avoided during recovery.

Dietary Restrictions

Generally, foods that are hard, crunchy or chewy should be set aside for at least the first week. Not only will they cause discomfort, but they may very likely result in the dental implant’s failure to heal here are some examples of what to stay away from:

  • Hard foods: many snack foods, such as candies, pretzels, and dried fruit are dangerous for implants. Nuts and raw crunchy vegetables pose a similar risk.
  • Chewy foods: anything that requires more than a couple rounds of chewing may cause implants to pull away from gums. Rolls, salads, cookies, gummies, hard fruit and of course chewing gum are all good examples of this. Unless red meat is thoroughly tenderized or cooked in a stew, it should probably be avoided at first.
  • Anything that may get stuck in teeth: while all food is likely to leave some particles behind, some are notorious for becoming stuck between teeth and within gums popcorn, seeds and chips are a few examples.
  • Particularly hot or cold foods: unfortunately, very high or low temperatures may cause pain or open the wound. For typically hot meals, allow the food to sit for a bit( it can still be warm) before consuming.
ONE Doctor, ONE Team, ONE Location, & ONE Fee!

No more going to various doctors and offices. Our team will be with you every step of the way, including follow-up care.

BEST Surgical/Cosmetic Results in Chicago

Meet Dr. Irfan Atcha

“I am Dr. Atcha and I focus on helping people who have been struggling to find the answers for their serious dental issues with missing and failing teeth when everything they’ve tried before has failed.”

Dr. Atcha is a diplomat implantologist and a cosmetic dentist nationally recognized in complex dental implant cases, complex cosmetic dentistry cases, digital implant dentistry, and sedation dentistry. Dr. Atcha holds dental licenses in Illinois, Florida, and California.

Dr. Atcha prides himself in making sure every patient receives first-class treatment and achieves a million-dollar smile, which enhances their self-confidence and self-esteem. His commitment to providing the highest value of care from the moment you open the doors to New Teeth Chicago Dental is evident through his patients’ impressive reviews.

I know how frustrating it is… I’ve talked with hundreds of patients, many of them get so emotional, who lived every day with embarrassment, pain, and hopelessness because of missing and damaged teeth or ill fitting dentures and partial dentures or they’ve been told they are NOT a good candidate for dental implants due to lack of jaw bone.

“These patients thought they would be trapped with those feeling for the rest of their lives, but together, we found a way, and we provided hope with the care we provided that worked, and now they live fulfilled lives, with healthy, fully-functioning, and beautiful smiles.”

One doctor, one team

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One-Hour Consultation

We offer one all-inclusive fee and over 2 decades of experience. With New Teeth Chicago Dental Implant, you can skip the hassle and run around. Dr. Atcha offers full transparency and the latest in dental implant technology. Click below to get started!